Sunday, July 10, 2011

Digital cameras use lithium batteries in the correct

To the digital camera battery is a bit of learning, do not understand the basics of charging, the battery charge is not only bad, when shooting a short time, will shorten battery life.

 1, DV camera battery charging time
Battery charging time can not be generalized, because different battery capacity, charge current is different, etc., will affect the charging time. Digital camera comes with a charger, the charger has charging status indicator, such as the just put the battery charging, the indicator lights, and other battery to a certain extent, the light will change color or turn off. Then charge the battery basically good, but if we really want the battery is fully charged, it will take longer because as. Large-capacity battery charging time is long, my experience is that if there are two batteries to charge, first charge capacity of a small, high-capacity rechargeable battery, charging and high-capacity batteries can go to sleep the next day will charge a good morning.

 2, DV cameras can be used with rechargeable battery
Early cameras generally use nickel batteries, long charging time the battery if the battery in the crystallization of the liquid will prevent the charger a full charge. Therefore, the discharge must be fully charged or on a regular basis. Now digital cameras use lithium batteries, we can easily charge the battery at any time, we did not like the nickel batteries, as trouble, not necessary time to fully boot and then can not use lithium batteries.

 3, DV camera battery life
On the life of lithium problem, say many, such as lithium can only charge 300 to 500, then you need replacement. Correct to say that the life of lithium and the number of charge cycles completed, and number of charge cycles is not directly related. Simple to understand, "a charge cycle" refers to the full battery of all power used by the air, then air charge to the full process. Therefore, the charge number of times, and the actual battery charge cycle is not reciprocal. For example, a lithium battery's charge cycle can be used for video camera use 10 hours (note that a charge cycle, not one charge), three hours after actual use, the battery is full of a battery; use five hours later, once again filled with a battery, two electric charge at this time though, but a charge cycle is 10 hours of battery charging time to add up to only two 8 hours, therefore, the third piece of the battery is fully charged after using two hours before completed its charge cycle.
As you drink a glass of beer specified, you drink a cup of follow-up one-third fill up, and you can not say that drinking a cup, a cup of beer, regardless of whether you continue to add, once you drink a third cup, then drink three times to complete the assigned task is "a cycle." So the correct argument lithium battery life is 300-500 charge cycles.

4, DV camera battery charging times
In fact, with the above explanation, say the total number of charge cycles a battery does not make sense, however, each completed a battery charge cycle, the total capacity will be reduced that period to reduce the magnitude of the size depends on how the quality of the battery. Generally high quality battery charge cycle many times, will still retain the original power of 80%, for example, can reach the upper limit of 500 charge cycles, which is still two or three years a lot of lithium as usual reasons; that the poor quality of some lithium battery, the charging cycle may be up to the lower limit, such as 300 or less, so this battery will make people feel a more obvious "less and less resistance to using the." In any case, DV camera to use Lithium batteries eventually need replacement.
If a high-quality lithium battery charging cycle is 500 times, and we used half of the charge each time, it can charge the total of 1000 times. Therefore, the lithium battery life and the total charge capacity, and the number of unrelated charge, rechargeable lithium battery is discharged or re-used with the charge for its life-span of less. Therefore, DV cameras use lithium batteries used to facilitate the main, with the use charge without fear of affecting life.

 5, DV cameras use lithium batteries Notes
One is not above 35 ° C above the environment or to use lithium batteries, the battery and do not save on the daily temperature is too high; two at low temperatures such as 4 ° C The following uses a lithium battery, battery time is reduced, and the low temperature environment may charge no power; third is if you do not often use lithium batteries, lithium best month to complete a charge cycle, that is, filling a deep deep release.

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